About  Us


OUR story 

EWS Group, a company headquartered in Egypt, is expertise in providing various services to Industrial, Commercial & Government Clients across Marine, Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Power and Process Sectors. Since its inception, EWS has successfully grown its scope to cater to both training and technology needs.

EWS has its presence in the complete life cycle of products in various sectors ranging from Engineering, Procurement & Construction, Inspection, Testing, Fabrication, Installation, Maintenance and Monitoring, etc. We believe that an innovative, experienced and competent workforce is the key to our success and all our offices often work together to combine skills and experience from around the world

We have all the right tools, let us Help You

Our Team

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member 1


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member 2

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member 3

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Nullam ut ornare eros. Praesent orci velit, tincidunt eget pulvinar sed, cursus et turpis. Nunc at blandit sapien, vel venenatis velit. Interdum et malesuada.